足球竞猜app软件 //m.banksfrench.com en - us 星期一,2022年10月10日14:24:01 -0700 星期一,2022年10月10日14:24:01 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 //m.banksfrench.com 143年 143年 SASE如何提高工人的生产力,使首席财务官快乐吗 星期一,2022年10月10日03:00:00 -0700

What justifies network spending?  Two things, according to CIOs.

The first is the money to maintain the infrastructure that was justified by projects in the past. The other is money for new projects, and they must deliver benefits large enough to meet the CFO’s target return on investment.

The top business justification for any new tech project is productivity improvement. My data says that only about two-thirds of workers in jobs that could be empowered by network improvement have actually been given optimal access to information. In some job classifications, only 40% of workers have been empowered. Mobile workers, ones who regularly operate away from offices, are often empowered only part of the time.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3675962/how-sase-might-improve-worker-productivity-and-make-cfos-happy.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3675962/how-sase-might-improve-worker-productivity-and-make-cfos-happy.html tk.rss_all SASE如何提高工人的生产力,使首席财务官快乐吗 SD-WAN
英特尔细节FPGA路线图 星期五,2022年10月07 08:24:00 -0700

Seven years after its $16.7 billion acquisition of FPGA maker Altera, Intel is expanding the technology it gained into new areas.

While the primary use for an FPGA processor has been for smartNICs that offload tasks from server CPUs, Intel is now looking to broaden its application from the data center to remote, edge computing, and embedded systems.

It’s not as if the Altera processors languished over the last several years, however. One major change is manufacturing. When Intel purchased Altera, its chips were made by TSMC. Now they are made by Intel, so hopefully that’s one less supply-chain headache to worry about.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3675956/intel-details-fpga-roadmap.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3675956/intel-details-fpga-roadmap.html tk.rss_all 英特尔细节FPGA路线图 2020欧洲杯预赛 网络 服务器 边缘计算
Kyndryl,微软将大型机Azure云资源 星期四,2022年10月06 11:19:00 -0700

Kyndryl and Microsoft have extended their existing partnership to include mainframe connectivity to cloud applications and workloads.

The extension ties together Kyndryl’s zCloud mainframe service with Microsoft’s Power Platform, a low-code application and workflow-automation package that brings access to cloud services including  Microsoft Azure, Office 365 and Teams.

The aim is making it easier for organizations to access and integrate mainframe-based data with cloud-based resources and combine that data with other information to build new applications.

Available now, the service is a way to access decades of data sitting on  mainframes, said Harish Grama, Kyndryl’s global practice leader for cloud. “The idea is to unleash data sitting on the mainframe, mine it, modernize it, and write new business applications on it," he said. "That data shouldn’t be trapped in legacy backends.”

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3675958/kyndryl-microsoft-tie-mainframe-to-azure-cloud-resources.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3675958/kyndryl-microsoft-tie-mainframe-to-azure-cloud-resources.html tk.rss_all Kyndryl,微软将大型机Azure云资源 混合云 云计算
报告:闪存价格进一步下降的更快,在第四季度 -0700年结婚,2022年10月05 14:19:00

Back in August, TrendForce Research predicted that due to an oversupply in NAND flash memory, the price of SSDs could drop by 5% to 10% in the third quarter.

Since then, the economy has only worsened and the oversupply has continued, and while TrendForce hasn't reported the Q3 actuals, it's now predicting 15% to 20% drop in NAND flash prices in the fourth quarter on top of the Q3 drop..

TrendForce says buyers of NAND flash memory—vendors that make SSDs but don’t manufacture their own memory—have reduced their NAND inventory and cut back on new purchases in the second half of the year. Meanwhile makers of memory drastically reduced prices to boost sales. Now TrendForce predicts that before the end of the year, suppliers will be selling memory at a loss and reduce production.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3675294/report-price-of-flash-memory-to-drop-faster-further-in-q4.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3675294/report-price-of-flash-memory-to-drop-faster-further-in-q4.html tk.rss_all 报告:闪存价格进一步下降的更快,在第四季度 企业存储
使用bash选项改变的行为脚本 -0700年结婚,2022年10月05 13:19:00

Bash provides a large number of options that can be used to control the behavior of bash scripts. This post examines some of the more useful ones and explains how to display which options are in use and which are not.

Exiting when an error occurs

If you want a bash script to exit soon as it encounters an error—any error at all—in your scripts, you can add the set -o errexit option. If your script contains a syntax error, tries to read a file that doesn’t exist, attempts to append to a file when you don’t have permission to do so, or misuses a command in some way, the script will end abruptly. Here is a simple example:

#!/bin/bash set -o errexit tail NoSuchFile echo -n “Enter text to be appended> “ read txt echo $txt >> NoSuchFile 

Try to run this script, and you’ll see this:

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3675561/using-bash-options-to-change-the-behavior-of-scripts.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3675561/using-bash-options-to-change-the-behavior-of-scripts.html tk.rss_all 使用bash选项改变的行为脚本 Linux
思科收紧SD-WAN集成与微软Azure -0700年结婚,2022年10月05 09:15:00

Cisco continues to build tighter SD-WAN integration with the leading cloud service providers to better tie together widely distributed resources.

This week Cisco and Microsoft extended their SD-WAN/Microsoft Azure integration to enable building single or multiple overlays on top of Microsoft’s backbone to interconnect enterprise sites worldwide, and to connect sites to workloads running inside Azure, similar to an arrangement Cisco has with Google Cloud.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3675356/cisco-tightens-its-sd-wan-integration-with-microsoft-azure.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3675356/cisco-tightens-its-sd-wan-integration-with-microsoft-azure.html tk.rss_all 思科收紧SD-WAN集成与微软Azure SD-WAN 云计算 微软Azure 思科系统公司 微软365
天文成本的资产处置程序出错 -0700年结婚,2022年10月05 02:00:00 摩根士丹利美邦已经认识到,信息技术资产处置程序可以保护公司不受数据泄漏的潜在灾难齿轮你摆脱。https://www.csoonline.com/article/3675290/the-astronomical-costs-of-an-asset-disposal-program-gone-wrong.html tk.rss_all https://www.csoonline.com/article/3675290/the-astronomical-costs-of-an-asset-disposal-program-gone-wrong.html tk.rss_all 天文成本的资产处置程序出错 数据和信息安全 方案和CISO 什么是网络交换机,它是如何工作的呢? 星期二,2022年10月04 21:00:00 -0700

Modern networks are critical for any enterprise. Networks deliver business applications, multimedia messages and key data to end users around the world. A fundamental element that networks have in common is the network switch, which helps connect devices for the purpose of sharing resources within a local area network (LAN).

What is a network switch?

A network switch is a physical device that operates at the Data Link layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model -- Layer 2. It takes in packets sent by devices that are connected to its physical ports, and forwards them to the devices the packets are intended to reach. Switches can also operate at the Network Layer (Layer 3) where routing occurs.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3584876/what-is-a-network-switch-and-how-does-it-work.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3584876/what-is-a-network-switch-and-how-does-it-work.html tk.rss_all 什么是网络交换机,它是如何工作的呢? 网络 计算机和外围设备
微米建立在美国历史上最大的芯片工厂 星期二,2022年10月04 14:24:00 -0700 微米计划建立一个内存芯片制造工厂在纽约州北部,它表示将40个足球场的大小和创造约50000个就业岗位。b它可能花费高达100美元在未来20年的设施。https://www.computerworld.com/article/3675354/micron-to-build-largest-chip-factory-in-us-history.html tk.rss_all https://www.computerworld.com/article/3675354/micron-to-build-largest-chip-factory-in-us-history.html tk.rss_all 微米建立在美国历史上最大的芯片工厂 职业生涯 政府 行业 这培训 它的工作 科技行业 Aryaka推出基于云计算的网络网关SASE-focused WAN祭 星期二,2022年10月04 13:31:00 -0700

Long-time WAN provider Aryaka has released a version of its Zero Trust WAN product that incorporates a new Secure Web Gateway and Firewall-as-a-Service as it works toward a SASE-enabled WAN offering.

The idea is to provide a much more updated version of WAN to enterprise customers—where SD-WAN traditionally lived in a box in branch offices, the pandemic and the evolving SASE model prompted a more flexible rethink. Now, Aryaka’s latest model is an entirely cloud-based offering, routing secure traffic to branch offices or remote employees while being able to employ robust security technologies via Aryaka’s own cloud.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3675788/aryaka-rolls-out-cloud-based-web-gateway-for-sase-focused-wan-offering.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3675788/aryaka-rolls-out-cloud-based-web-gateway-for-sase-focused-wan-offering.html tk.rss_all Aryaka推出基于云计算的网络网关SASE-focused WAN祭 SASE SD-WAN
每周网络健康检查,美国和全世界 星期二,2022年10月04 11:58:00 -0700

The reliability of services delivered by ISPs, cloud providers and conferencing services (a.k.a. unified communications-as-a-service (UCaaS)) is an indication of how well served businesses are via the internet.

ThousandEyes is monitoring how these providers are handling the performance challenges they face. It will provide Network World a roundup of interesting events of the week in the delivery of these services, and Network World will provide a summary here. Stop back next week for another update, and see more details here.

//m.banksfrench.com/article/3534130/covid-19-weekly-health-check-of-isps-cloud-providers-and-conferencing-services.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3534130/covid-19-weekly-health-check-of-isps-cloud-providers-and-conferencing-services.html tk.rss_all 每周网络健康检查,美国和全世界 网络
VMware拥抱DPUs伸展cpu的使用 星期二,2022年10月04 09:39:00 -0700

While it is clearly early in the game, VMware has made a bunch of moves recently to ensure that DPUs and the smartNICs they enable are an equal part of enterprise networking environments of the future.

VMware is a leading proponent of using digital processing units to free-up server CPU cycles by offloading networking, security, storage, and other processes in order to rapidly and efficiently supporting edge- and cloud-based workloads.

Competitors—and partners in some cases—including Intel, Nvidia, AWS, and AMD, also have plans to more tightly integrate DPU-based devices into in firewalls, gateways, enterprise load balancing, and storage-offload applications.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3675291/vmware-embraces-dpus-to-stretch-the-use-of-cpus.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3675291/vmware-embraces-dpus-to-stretch-the-use-of-cpus.html tk.rss_all VMware拥抱DPUs伸展cpu的使用 VMware 网络 云计算 企业存储
使用服务器:讨价还价或太好了,是真的吗? 星期二,2022年10月04 03:00:00 -0700

Enterprise IT teams are always on the lookout for ways to save money or gain operational efficiencies. One approach is to purchase used data center equipment such as servers, rather than investing in brand new systems and paying top dollar.

There’s no shortage of resellers who cater to this market. Some equipment resellers specifically target gear from hyperscalers, because the hyperscalers replace their hardware at a fast pace, and the equipment they turnover can be more powerful than what most enterprises use today.

Those in the business of selling used equipment say demand for their offerings is high.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3674841/used-servers-bargain-or-too-good-to-be-true.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3674841/used-servers-bargain-or-too-good-to-be-true.html tk.rss_all 使用服务器:讨价还价或太好了,是真的吗? 2020欧洲杯预赛 服务器
企业网络2022的10个最强大的公司 星期一,2022年10月3日20:59:00 -0700

Networking vendors have a lot on their plate. They need to innovate in areas like automation, AIOps, Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA), secure access service edge (SASE), visibility, and multi-cloud management.

They must respond to customer preferences for subscription models and network as-a-service (NaaS) offerings. In a recent survey, IDC reported that 61% of organizations worldwide were interested in shifting to consumption-based models for IT investments rather than capital intensive purchases.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3675545/the - 10 -最强大的公司,在html -企业-网络- 2022. # tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3675545/the - 10 -最强大的公司,在html -企业-网络- 2022. # tk.rss_all 企业网络2022的10个最强大的公司 网络 混合云 基础设施
SambaNova船代人工智能系统 星期一,2022年10月3日03:00:00 -0700

SambaNova Systems is now shipping the second-generation of its DataScale systems specifically built for AI and machine learning.

You may not have heard of SambaNova, a startup led by ex-Oracle/Sun hardware executives and Stanford professors, but its work is likely familiar. The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory was an early adopter of DataScale and used the systems in its COVID-19 antiviral compound and therapeutic research in 2020.

“Our systems were deployed in supercomputers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, which were then used by various parties for the research and development of COVID-19 antiviral compound and therapeutics,” said Marshall Choy, SambaNova’s senior vice president for products. “So, yes, they were a small part of that. As bad as the pandemic was, at least we got to do something good through it.”

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3675371/sambanova-ships-second-generation-ai-systems.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3675371/sambanova-ships-second-generation-ai-systems.html tk.rss_all SambaNova船代人工智能系统 服务器 2020欧洲杯预赛
大约三分之一的云用户需要学习弹性教训伊恩 星期四,2022年9月29日17:11:00 -0700 ,

Beyond the human cost, natural disasters like hurricane Ian can take a high toll on business continuity, causing enterprise-infrastructure damage that takes days or weeks to fix while downtime costs in the six figures per hour. If Ian didn’t impact your operations, now is the time to prepare for a future disaster that might hit your network.

Vulnerable areas include cloud providers’ managed services that might require customers to explicitly specify they want their apps, compute, and storage housed in redundant, geographically separate availability zones. According to Uptime Institute, roughly one third of enterprises are architecting cloud apps that are vulnerable to outages in single cloud availability zones, rather than distributing their workloads across multiple zones.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3675372/about-a-third-of-cloud-users-need-to-learn-resiliency-lessons-from-ian.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3675372/about-a-third-of-cloud-users-need-to-learn-resiliency-lessons-from-ian.html tk.rss_all 大约三分之一的云用户需要学习弹性教训伊恩 业务连续性 混合云
IBM、沃达丰、GSMA形式组织促进quantum-safe网络 星期四,2022年9月29日11:35:00 -0700

The Global System for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA), IBM and Vodaphone are teaming up to form a task force that will promote quantum-safe cryptography standards for telco networks and, ultimately, enterprise cloud service environments.

The idea behind the new group, called the GSMA Post-Quantum Telco Network Taskforce, is to define requirements and create a standards-based roadmap to implement quantum-safe networking and mitigate anticipated security risks.

“Telco networks are the underpinning of all enterprise services, regardless of what industry they are in, so it is critical that those networks [get] out in front of the security challenges quantum brings,” said Ray Harishankar, IBM Fellow, vice president, and leader of Big Blue’s Quantum Safe strategy. “The idea of the group is to start to develop a quantum-safe plan now, because the components and standards of that roadmap won’t be developed overnight.”

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3675370/ibm-vodaphone-gsma-form-group-to-promote-quantum-safe-networks.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3675370/ibm-vodaphone-gsma-form-group-to-promote-quantum-safe-networks.html tk.rss_all IBM、沃达丰、GSMA形式组织促进quantum-safe网络 电信行业 互联网 网络
BrandPost:聚合网络和安全解决方案改善了用户体验 星期四,2022年9月29日11:07:00 -0700 品牌发布


“The Wi-Fi is down.”

These words are perhaps some of the most dreaded among IT professionals everywhere. Whenever users experience issues accessing the corporate network, they often assume the Wi-Fi is malfunctioning. Yet IT teams know that the problem is usually more complicated. A helpdesk ticket about a compromised user experience often sends IT analysts down the proverbial rabbit hole of their networks in search of the culprit, inspecting everything from Network Access Control (NAC) technology to wired switches and wireless access points to authentication solutions.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3675553/how-a-converged-networking-and-security-solution-improves-user-experience.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3675553/how-a-converged-networking-and-security-solution-improves-user-experience.html tk.rss_all BrandPost:聚合网络和安全解决方案改善了用户体验 网络
电联我们选举的候选人,平息担忧互联网骨折 星期四,2022年9月29日10:49:00 -0700

Doreen Bogdan-Martin of the US today defeated Russia’s Rashid Ismailov by a convincing 139 to 25 in a vote to decide who will become the next secretary general of the International Telecommunications Union, allaying Western concerns about nation-state control and interoperability of the internet 

Bogdan-Martin, who will become the first woman to head the ITU in its 157-year history, is seen by some observers as the candidate most likely to preserve the ITU’s status as a neutral arbiter of a free and open internet, in opposition to recent Russian and Chinese maneuvering in the group that would have placed much more control over the internet’s basic functionality in the hands of nation-states.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3675529/itu-elects-us-candidate-quelling-concerns-about-internet-fracture.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3675529/itu-elects-us-candidate-quelling-concerns-about-internet-fracture.html tk.rss_all 电联我们选举的候选人,平息担忧互联网骨折 互联网 电信
MIT-based启动冷却技术可以减少数据中心的能源成本,足迹2020欧洲杯预赛 星期四,2022年9月29日07:41:00 -0700

Thanks to innovative cooling technology developed by an MIT-hatched startup, data center managers may soon be able to acquire servers and HPC (high-performance computing) devices that will significantly reduce the energy cost and footprint of the faciities they oversee.

The startup, Jetcool, sprang from research conducted at MIT’s Lincoln Labs, and this month received an R&D 100 Award from R&D World magazine, marking it as a standout innovator for its use of what it calls “microconvection” liquid cooling of electronics.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3675328/mit-based-startups-cooling-tech-can-cut-data-center-energy-costs-footprint.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3675328/mit-based-startups-cooling-tech-can-cut-data-center-energy-costs-footprint.html tk.rss_all MIT-based启动冷却技术可以减少数据中心的能源成本,足迹2020欧洲杯预赛 服务器 2020欧洲杯预赛
薪酬最高的认证命令k + 130美元 星期四,2022年9月29日05:00:00 -0700

Cloud expertise dominates the most in-demand tech skills for enterprises today, according to Skillsoft.

The digital-learning company released its 2022 list of top-paying IT certifications, and AWS certs accounted for five of the 15 slots. Two Google Cloud Platform (GCP) certs and one Microsoft Azure cert also made the list.

The continuing value of cloud certifications isn’t surprising, but what’s noteworthy is a shift toward multi-cloud skills, said Michael Yoo, customer market leader for Skillsoft’s technology and developer portfolio. “The increase in importance of Google Cloud and multi-cloud certifications—not just AWS and Azure—speaks to the growing fraction of enterprises that now rely on more than one cloud computing platform.”

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3674795/highest支付- -认证-工资- 130 k.html # tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3674795/highest支付- -认证-工资- 130 k.html # tk.rss_all 薪酬最高的认证命令k + 130美元 2020欧洲杯预赛 职业生涯
BrandPost:防火墙安全SD-WAN可以取代传统的分支 -0700年结婚,2022年9月28日08:29:00 品牌发布

By: Gabriel Gomane, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company.

Originally created primarily to support WAN virtualization, SD-WAN capabilities have evolved to manage more aspects of the network—including security. Today, secure SD-WAN solutions have also enabled IT teams to eliminate branch firewalls in favor of a simplified branch WAN infrastructure.

The reasons are manifold. As network architecture continues to shift to the cloud, branch offices must now tackle new security challenges as the network grows more complex as more users connect outside the traditional security perimeter. At the same time, enterprises want additional flexibility to cope with the growing number of cloud applications, the ability to open new branches faster, or host new applications more quickly. The traditional network structure, built on MPLS, routers, and firewalls, simply cannot handle the flexibility enterprises need, due to the cost, complexity, and rigidity this hardware demands…especially as it was never designed to be part of the emerging cloud infrastructure of today. 

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3674957/how-secure-sd-wan-can-replace-traditional-branch-firewalls.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3674957/how-secure-sd-wan-can-replace-traditional-branch-firewalls.html tk.rss_all BrandPost:防火墙安全SD-WAN可以取代传统的分支 SD-WAN
联想花费了30周年50公告 -0700年结婚,2022年9月28日08:24:00

Lenovo Group is marking its 30th anniversary with its largest data-center product launch ever, with more than 50 new products covering servers, storage, and edge systems.

Specifically, the celebration is for the ThinkSystem server, and many of the announcements were about upgrades.

The next generation of ThinkSystem servers and storage, along with the ThinkEdge edge computing device lineup, as well as the ThinkAgile family of hyperconverged infrastructure appliances collectively are called Lenovo Infrastructure Solutions V3.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3674990/lenovo-spends-its-30th-anniversary-making-50-announcements.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3674990/lenovo-spends-its-30th-anniversary-making-50-announcements.html tk.rss_all 联想花费了30周年50公告 服务器 2020欧洲杯预赛
软件漏洞对网络基础设施构成风险 星期二,2022年9月27日14:35:00 -0700

As the Log4J crisis made clear, understanding what is in the software unpinning your applications is crucial to understanding your security posture. This is no less true of your network services.

Enterprise-network infrastructure is still very much about hardware in data center and LAN and WAN, but now it is becoming more and more about software.

In this era of software-defined networks, an ever-increasing number of network appliances are just proprietary software running on generic switching hardware or even a plain vanilla x86 server with extra network cards. That shift in emphasis from the hard to the soft has made the software stacks running the network a new source of risk and worry for cybersecurity.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3674861/software-vulnerabilities-pose-a-risk-to-network-infrastructure.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3674861/software-vulnerabilities-pose-a-risk-to-network-infrastructure.html tk.rss_all 软件漏洞对网络基础设施构成风险 开源 网络
Fortinet目标SD-WAN 5 g新的AIOps支持 星期二,2022年9月27日10:58:00 -0700

Fortinet has added support for AI operations to its Secure SD-WAN and 5G/LTE gateways giving customers more insights into the networks linking their distributed resources and reducing  the time it takes to fix problems.

The company has expanded its FortiAIOps platform, which uses artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) to collect network data and analytics to help identify and automate problem resolution. The addition of Secure SD-WAN and 5G/LTE fills out the FortiAIOps portfolio, which already supported WAN, wireless LAN, and LAN operations on a single console to manage and secure wired and wireless connectivity.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3674794/fortinet-targets-sd-wan-5g-with-new-aiops-support.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3674794/fortinet-targets-sd-wan-5g-with-new-aiops-support.html tk.rss_all Fortinet目标SD-WAN 5 g新的AIOps支持 5克 SD-WAN 无线网络
短缺迫使网络供应商创意产品的重新设计 星期一,2022年9月26日09:28:00 -0700

Supply chain problems have triggered most major networking players such as Cisco, Juniper, Arista, and others to redesign or re-engineer some products in an attempt to overcome component shortages and deliver products to customers.

Lead times for some routers, switches and other gear is already delayed well beyond six months. Retooling to get hardware out the door can add is own delay and put additional pressure on engineers looking to reshape things like power supplies and board-level features without causing major problems themselves.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3674850/shortages-force-network-vendors-into-creative-product-redesigns.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3674850/shortages-force-network-vendors-into-creative-product-redesigns.html tk.rss_all 短缺迫使网络供应商创意产品的重新设计 网络 思科系统公司 瞻博网络
BrandPost:实现Zero-Trust策略?开始普遍ZTNA 星期五,2022年9月23日11:12:00 -0700 品牌发布

Currently, many IT departments are being challenged to make fundamental changes to their cybersecurity strategies. The changes required are necessary to meet their organization’s demands of digital transformation and the rapid growth of their work-from-anywhere (WFA) workforce. Because users from anywhere need to access resources distributed across their networks, organizations are faced with security gaps and vulnerabilities as their legacy, siloed point products are incapable of providing consistent end-to-end protection.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3674991/implementing-a-zero-trust-strategy-start-with-universal-ztna.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3674991/implementing-a-zero-trust-strategy-start-with-universal-ztna.html tk.rss_all BrandPost:实现Zero-Trust策略?开始普遍ZTNA 零信任
单核与多核cpu 星期五,2022年9月23日10:44:00 -0700

In reviewing CPU and server benchmarks, you’ve undoubtedly noticed that testing covers both single-core and multi-core performance. Here's the difference.

In terms of raw performance, both are equally important, but single- and multi-core have areas of use where they shine. So when picking a CPU, it’s important to consider your particular workloads and evaluate whether single-core or multi-core best meets your needs.

Single-core CPUs

There are still a lot of applications out there that are single-core limited, such as many databases (although some, like MySQL, are multicore).

Performance is measured in a couple of ways. Clock frequency is the big one; the higher the frequency the faster apps will run. Also important is the width of execution pipelines, and the wider the pipeline, the more work can get done per clock cycle. So even if an app is single threaded, a wider pipeline can improve its performance.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3673231/single-core-vs-multi-core-cpus.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3673231/single-core-vs-multi-core-cpus.html tk.rss_all 单核与多核cpu 服务器
使用“打破”和“继续”退出循环在bash中 星期五,2022年9月23日10:01:00 -0700

The commands for looping in bash are extremely useful. They allow you to run a series of commands as many times as needed to process a large collection of data. The break and continue commands provide another special option. They allow you to exit a loop early or skip the remaining commands in the loop and return to the beginning.

Both the break and the continue commands are meant to be used only in for, while and until loops. In fact, if you try to invoke the break command on its own, bash will tell you just that.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3674989/using-break-and-continue-to-exit-loops-in-bash.html tk.rss_all //m.banksfrench.com/article/3674989/using-break-and-continue-to-exit-loops-in-bash.html tk.rss_all 使用“打破”和“继续”退出循环在bash中 Linux
三分之一的澳大利亚人可能在澳都斯网络攻击影响 星期四,2022年9月22日23:37:00 -0700 违反信息包括姓名、出生日期、电话号码、电子邮件地址、以及对客户的一个子集,地址,ID文件,如驾照或护照号码。https://www.csoonline.com/article/3674810/a-third-of-australian-population-likely-affected-in-optus-cyberattack.html tk.rss_all https://www.csoonline.com/article/3674810/a-third-of-australian-population-likely-affected-in-optus-cyberattack.html tk.rss_all 三分之一的澳大利亚人可能在澳都斯网络攻击影响 网络攻击 数据泄露